Saturday, July 15, 2006

What's In A Name?

Good morning,

How are you all after a good time at One80 last night? I know that I had a great time, that's for sure. But enough dilly dally, chit-chat, small talk and/or beating around the bush, I would like to talk about names.

It's fun to name things; I have named many, many objects. There is Ashley (my bass guitar), Micah (my amplifier), Ichabod (my electric guitar), Sherman (my bike) and other things here and there. But now I want to name my left and right hands. Well, actually, I'm giving you all the opportunity to name them. Comment on what you think would be a good name for either or both of my hands, and I will choose my favourite two names at 4.30pm on the afternoon of the next tribal warfare (2 weeks time). Amaze me kids! I know you can!

For now, onwards with the post. As most of you should hopefully know, my full name is Sean James Mason Taylor. My father and his father also have two middle names, both of which the second middle name is also Mason. In fact, I have the same initials as my grandfather: he is Sydney John Mason Taylor (SJMT). My dad is just Paul William Mason Taylor. Anyway, the point of this is that despite this "almost-now-tradition" of Taylor boys having Mason in their name, my son (if I do have one) probably won't.

I have however written a small list once of names that I'd give to my son(s). I have lost that list, so I'll do my best to remember. Names include but are not limited to;
  • Koji
  • Anton
  • Jonno / Jono
  • Reuben / Ruben
  • Seth
  • Scott
  • Mark / Markus / Marcus
  • Jet
  • Lucas

Names for my daughters are a little less numerous, but still highly thought upon;

  • Naomi
  • Ruth
  • Leonie

And there you have it: a partial, incomplete list of names I'd give to my children. What would you call your children? What's a little known fact about your name? What are you going to name my left and right hands?

Tell me all!


RANDOM FACT: I am the only person in my extended family who can carry on the Taylor last name (the traditional way) - no male cousins with the last name Taylor!!! Isn't my family in for a bit of a worry then, having to rely on me!


SuperTiph said...

I don't know if I would recommend naming your hands, because they are a part of you. If you start naming parts of things, you'll have more names than you can keep track of. Like you'll start naming the strings on Ashley and Ichabod, and you'll forget which string is named what. So by all means, you can do as your please, but that is my opinion.

For boys I like the names: Elliot, Emilio and Hamish.

For girls I like: Heyli, Sandra and Alanna.

I have threatened to name a friend's car Ione. Thsi friend was male.

Random fact: I was named after a jewellery shop.

Anonymous said...

about my name?
my mum wanted to call me Gwendoline (i dont even know how to spell that) but dad didnt like it at all, so i became 'Lisa'

boys names...
Connor, Joseph

girls names...
Jennifer, Melanie, Melinda, Mikayla/Michaela, and theres other for both boys and girls that i just cant remember right now

z said...

Okay i have three choices
choice 1
left: Lefty
Right: Righty
Choice 2
Left: Uber
Right: Uberette
choice 3
Left: Tissue
Right: Pinky

You will like these names
feel free to Mix and Max

Lerchy said...

left is: purple
right is: untie purple he's dieing

call your kid jauaque or that funny french name ne way dont thats my kids name ne way i gunna go count to ten
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ,7, 8, 9, 10

yer so who wants waffles

SuperTiph said...

Me! I want waffles!! And I want to name something "Paolo", but what I wonder?...

Level 3

Anonymous said...

l didn't even go to one 80 last night. how come l never get to have any fun.

Sara said...

OOOOH! a fun intereacitve post! wooo...
well i think that your hands should probably be named something that noone has named anything before... so heres an interactive way for you to name your hands!

Ok first get a couple of pieces of bread and then stuff them in your mouth.

Then you close your eys and relax completely (or as much as you can with bread stuffed in your mouth) for about thirsty seconds or whatever.

As soon as you think youve had enough time shout out the first two words that come into your head... then listen to what they sound like and name your hands after them.

Eg. If your first word you thought of was armadillo, then it might end up with a cool name like charvaceellosch

So in relation to your competion my entries are.
right: the first name you say
left: the second name you say

oooh and also the names i wouldnt mind naming my kids are;
boys: Steveo

and girls: Umalah (it means coolness)
and basically anything else that sounds different and cool...

And also my name means princess hahahah

Sara said...

That was the longest comment ever.

Lesley said...

Hey Sean@ dude,
i think one of your hands should be called a girlly name, because it is so feminine!!!! lol.
maybe, Lulu and the other one should be called Tubby because its tubby! (boy i love that show!!!!!luuu-lu)
if i had kids i would call them, Natasha, Shaeleigh, Sammi and Elijah.
Sammi can be a girl or a boy!
My name came second hand from my grandpa! he is the only one of my dad's side of the family that had blue eyes, which mean both my mum and my dad have the recessive gene, because neither of them have blue eyes, and none of my brothers or sisters do either.
interesting stuff!
k, well!
Cya everyone!
Luv Lesley