So where to begin?
AGMF was pretty much the raddest thing to happen to anybody over the Easter weekend. So much went down, and it's hard to try and remember all the good stuff, so here is an abridged list of some highlights. I'll likely think of some more later on, so I may add over time.
> Seeing Tiph's Heather and meeting Tiph's Heather's Brother Josh
> "Sean has nappy rash!!!"
> Cameron Semmons. Again.
> Shaved ice.
> Catching up unexpectedly with people from schoolies, VACC, church, work, and school.
> Holly not thinking I was weird like Sara whose first question to her was "Do you like arthouse films?"
> Antiskeptic
> Day Of Fire
> The Magic Toilet
> Breakfasts consisting of doughnuts & thickshakes.
> Nachos.
> Wanting to get a photo of a "metrosexual" guy next to the giant "Metro" board outside the Metro Cafe Tent. We didn't though, due to the total lack of a camera.
> Mrs Lerch giving us cookies for taking care of Dylan (ie: hurting him thrice every 15 minutes).
> EES, the hip-hop hicks from Wagga Wagga. They had talent and comedy.
> TAJHM (The Amazing Joel Hockey Movement). He gave out free ice creams!
> Buying Project 86 cds for cheap. Not quite as cheap as free, but still cheap.
> Michelle Tumes, who played amazingly well.
> Steve Grace and Brendan Walmsley, two country artists I can stand.
> "Chai isn't really my cup of tea".
> What if Blindside tried to imitate Soulframe's "I Heart SF" shirts...?
> The Sunday Morning Church service.
> Planetshakers and Parachute Band. Two amazing worship bands.
> The JC Epidemic riders. Being an ex-rider, being able to appreciate how hard some of the tricks getting thrown down makes it so much more exciting for me to see than it might for others.
And because downsides are always interesting, here are some not-as-awesome things.
> Waiting 40 mins for $10.50 plates of nachos (not including 10% surcharge for the public holiday) that were totally gone in less than 5 minutes. I still reckon we shoulda gone to Montezuma's for takeaway, not that dumb Amigo's restaurant.
> The campground toilets. Somehow, I remember them being not as bad last year as they were this time around.
> The overlap of TAJHM and San Salvador (band from the ashes of SLC).
> Rookie's last show. Oh wait, wrong list. Haha.
> Forgetting a towel, thereby nullifying any possibility of a shower. Oops.
> Overspending. Oops.
> Having to leave Sunday night in order to work at 10am Monday morning.
> Farewelling Jael as they go off to conquer the music world, one USA at a time.
> No Tiph.
> The Frullet having to leave 'cause of injuries. No matter how much he brought them upon himself, it kinda blowed to have him leave.
Well, I'm off to munch chocolate. Later skaters. God bless and rock, rock on!