Sunday, August 20, 2006

Yoink! Brownie Points, Here I Come!!!

Mucho grande props to Luke Harris for this little bit of insight...(I paraphrased a lil' bit)

An artist once said that the hardest part of a painting was refining it from beauty to perfection. When she's taking her time to get ready (and she will!), that's all a girl is doing: refining from beauty to perfection. And it will take ages. Guys just don't really care if they're perfect or not because they're already beautiful, and girls, being the forgiving creatures they are, accept us.
Ooh yeh. It's so true. I believe it. Do you?
The Ponyboy


z said...

It be true ^_^

SuperTiph said...

I believe that ummm... well, I don't think I'll ever be able to acheive perfection, so I just settle for how I am now. God loves me the way I am, and if no one else does, well, I'll get over it. But the thing is, people's do love me just the way I am, and as the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Lesley said...


Sara said...

It may be true but it doesnt stop the ol byrne gals from havin low self esteem!