Monday, September 18, 2006

When Is Boy, Not A Boy? When He Turns Into A Corner!

As promised, this is a new post. As if you hadn't guessed already by the fact that the last post is now down the page somewhat. It's more of a questioning and opinionative post than anything else (like informative article, epository text or analytical essay). To begin, I must ask the question as old as time itself (time has been currently dated to Biblical times!)...

When does a boy become a man?
or for those of the female gender
When does a girl become a woman?

We all know that there is no sudden transition when you turn a certain age. We all know that some 10yr old kids are just as mature (or even more so) than a 28yr old. We all know that it has something to do with maturity and responsibility, but what exactly? When does a simple, easy-going little lad or lass become an adult. What makes a man, a man? What makes a woman, a woman? Some ideas to get you thinking and started:

> Not avoiding responsibility or seeking just to have some for the heck of it, but taking it as it comes.
> Assimilating with "older generations" and seeking to take part in "their activities".
> Taking on board attributes that are traditionally associated with grown-ups, like paying for own doctor's appointments, engaging in a "real" job, going to dinner parties, etc.
> Calling your superiors by their first names, like your friends' parents, elder people at church, teachers, bosses/managers, etc.
> Maturing (however the heck that can be defined).

Sorry this is a little ambiguous, but I poorly planned this post. Urgh. I'm gonna go finish talking like a pirate.



Nachmanke (chris' teddy) said...

I think it's a very hard thing to define, and I'd agree with the thought that some people aren't mature no matter how old they are, but some people are mature at a very young age.

One idea I'll put out there... Being mature enough to admit to your immaturities, and not being overly concerned about them.

This isn't saying maturity is being really immature and not caring that you're acting like a selfish child, but recognising that sometimes you're going to do selfish or silly things because we're still human, and have enough character to admit that it was immature of us to do or say whatever it was. I think that's a good start, and being able to apologise if you hurt someone by your actions.

My two cents for now, may add more later if I'm feeling inspired :-)

Sara said...

hmmm... ponyb, if all those things that you wrote in the post are true about when you mature then i dont think i'll ever be a woman! It doesnt sound like any fun! I think that chris's definition is pretty good...i like it. Not that your definition isnt good its just that it doesnt sound fun.

At first when i thought about trying to define it, i thought that it would just be that you get the knowledge that comes with age. But from being the leader of kids church, kids games, and rally groups i know that some some things that come out of the kids mouths are more wise than any grown up. And these kids are only 6-7 years old! I think you turn into a woman/man when you finally accept that that is what you are going to be one day whether you like it or not. hmmmmmm deep stuff man.

Ponyb said...

for the record sara, i wasnt trying to define it, just provide food for thought. but yeah, that's ok, i was a little vague on what i was saying so maybe i should make an amendment to that. thanks guys!

SuperTiph said...

I guess I"m stuck a step back, asking if we ever really, truly "grow up". There's plenty of people who plunge into their high pressure jobs and a life of 'responsibility'. They're the ones who are crying out for fulfillment in places that have very little of it to offer.

So I wonder, do we ever really grow up? Or is growing up just finally appreciating the way life is when you're a kid, and hanging onto the simplicities as long as possible?

Just the beginning of some thoughts...

Level 3

Sara said...

hmmmm... does this place smelll like it needs an update or is that just all the food for thought that ponybs left lying around the place to go off?

Sara said...

ahaha i spelt smell with three l's... THE JOKER STRIKES AGAIN!

Ponyb said...

hahaha. go sara!