Saturday, May 20, 2006

Drainpipe? Check. Microphone? Check. Pet Iguana? Check.

I've heard the cry of "update!" from the underground, and have decided to oblige, lest the dwellers of the general jeke vicinity rise up and scourge me with oven mitts. So, after a bit of pondering and humming and ooh-ing and aah-ing, ive decided to write up a to-do list on my jeke. I shall come back and refer to it often, and update it too. It's in no particular order, and it will either be a short term goal (ST), medium term goal (MT) or long term (LT), but only as general approximations.

  • keep on top of school work (ST)
  • start a t-shirt company (MT - LT)
  • visit israel, in particular, jerusalem (LT)
  • visit ukraine and russia, on a train tour of kiev - moscow - st petersburg (LT)
  • stay single. seriously, its such a mad feeling, and its so much fun and such a blessing. cant believe that i ever changed my status before! (ST - MT)
  • get my learners licence (ST)
  • think about post-school stuff (ST - MT)
  • actually buy myself an mP3 player. gotta stop nicking stacey's one (ST)
  • stop drinking milk straight out of the container. (MT - LT)
  • continue to enjoy and rock out at one80 (ST - LT)

to be continued. what is your to-do list, or at the very least, your grocery list?

ponus boyus

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Change Is Good

HeLLo feLLow earthLings,
I'd Like to use this post to comment on one of my good mates, PH Fat Harry. It's a post of commendation and inspiration. You see, the other day, at our not-so-smaLL group, he mentioned that he beLieved that God was putting it on his heart to work in his LittLe brother's life. You see, Harry's LiL bro Max is a terror. There is a Lot i couLd write about him, but i dont need to. You can just ask Harry what he is like. But anyway, since Tuesday ive noticed Harry putting in a super effort to show Max love and care at schooL, bringin him to hang with us and taking him to cLasses and stuff. From what i gather, Max is Loving Harry doin this, so i myseLf am trying to make a difference in Max's Life as weLL. Me and him hung out throughout friday's chair raLLy, chattin bout stuff, we're hangin at school, and im Loving it. I hope Max is as weLL. I'd Love to say that i'm takin him on as a LittLe brother-kinda guy, but we'LL see.
He's a good kid, he just needs Jesus.

Is there somebody you know, cLose to you, who needs just simpLe Love, care and an experience with Jesus?
There is. So act!
I'm doing my best to.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

SurvivaL Of The Fattest

I was thinking the other day whiLst studying in the Library (as you do when youre at schooL), and i had this thought run through my head..."sean, there are two ways to Live Life. You can not rock the boat and keep yourseLf outta troubLe, or you can rock the boat and make Life interesting".

What did i proceed to do? I rocked the boat: i snuck up behind my FTV teacher, who was aLso in the Library, and scared her. Scared her good too. She even sLapped me, hahahaha. But i deserved it, so i'm not gonna report her or anything. Because that's dumb.

But anyway, that principle of Living is reaL, especiaLLy with our Chrisitan faith. Just read this LittLe List i've compiLed.

How To Not Rock The Boat
1. Dont speak up in phiLosophicaL debates
2. Dont teLL others about Jesus
3. Live your faith haLf-heartedLy
4. Avoid taLking about Christianity
5. Try to bLend in with the crowd
6. That LittLe Light of mine? Dont Let it shine.
7. Dont defend those that are run-down by the rest of society
8. Dont aim to change the worLd
9. Compromise with others in reLation to God
10. Dont stand up for the truth

See? If you do those things, your Life wiLL doubtLess be a lot easier. Now read this.

How To Rock The Boat
1. Speak up in phiLosophicaL debates. Spread the Living Word!
2. TeLL others about Jesus
3. Live out your faith to the fuLLest degree possibLe
4. TaLk about Christianity! Be open about your faith! Let others know where you stand.
5. Aim to stand out, but not because of what you wear etc, but because of Jesus! Make it so if some completeLy rando stranger starts chattin with ya, they detect that youre different to the rest of the worLd.
6. That LittLe Light of mine? Let it shine!!! *starts singing the song*
7. Defend those who are run-down by society. The disabLed, the LoneLy, the disadvantaged...the Christians!
8. Aim to change the world. God can and will use you to make a difference.
9. Do not compromise. Dont give in your faith. Know what you beLieve, and dont ever give up on it for others.
10. Stand up for the truth, ie. God!

If youre a bright cookie (a La the supertiph), you'LL notice that that List was the exact opposite of the first. Bingo. If you rock the boat for Jesus, people are gonna not like you, and youre gonna know about it. But rejoice, for God is using that to reach others! He'LL use your want to rock the boat to teach you more! God doesnt caLL us to be stagnant, withdrawn mystics that the worLd Looks down at, but active, worLd-changing peopLe, paving the way for His kingdom!
Now fLy my pretties, go forth to bock some roats!
Or, umm....rock some boats. Yeh.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Because I Can, And I WiLL

This post is soLey for a photo that i've been asked to post onLine, by LittLe oLe AngeLa. I find it rather amusing, and hopefuLLy you do too! Can you guess who they are? Dont forget the FruLLet and his aLter-ego. And aLso, Laura the amazing superninja made these cooL photoshop creations of yours truLy and CarL. Have a Laugh! I'LL come back Later with some more seriousness and deep stuff mates. TiLL then, have a good one, and God bLess ya'aLL! (Oh, and yes, i have to right aLL Letter L's in capitaLs now).

Monday, May 01, 2006

...Your Blood Covers Me

Gday there,
Just today i was listening to a favourite cd of mine, "Safe From Losing The Fight" by Kids In The Way. But thats not the point. I'd like to get down to the REAL point of this post on my jeke. There's this one song, "Scars That Save", right? Yeh, and well as i was dozing (re: doing homework), it really got me thinking and it possibly even caused a tear or two. Or maybe that was the mustard gas in the air. Anyways, it goes like this...

Over and over your blood covers me.
How many times will it take me to see.
I am so dangerous.
I am so irresponsible.
Here I am, broken again, but then you show me,
you're wearing the scars that save.
How can you see me, as something so lovely.
Cause it's killing me that you took the blame.
Over and over it falls back to me.
My knees hit the floor and it's easy to see.
I am so arrogant.
I feel so unforgivable.
This is my same old song.
The one where I do it all wrong.
And I will try (fight) with all that I am to get it right in the end.

Thats basically it, with the chorus repeating a few times here and there, and with a couple of instrumentals and blah blah blah, what every song needs. What really got to me were the words "How can you see me, as something so lovely/Cause it's killing me that you took the blame". How can Jesus really look at us and see worth? We're such a rotten, sinful race, but God in his mercy and grace still provides a way for us, a way that can never be closed by mans actions. "Over and over your blood covers me". The Lord's blood is always there, always atoning, covering us, soaking us clean from the sin of our lives and world, is that not beyond our comprehension? "Over and over it falls back to me/My knees hit the floor and it's easy to see/I am so arrogant/I feel so unforgivable", but yet God still forgives me. When my knees hit the floor, it is SO much easier for me to see my sin from down there, but i can always see the God of my life, looking down from heaven, calling me back with his arms open and outstretched. It all falls back to me, yes, but i hand my life back over to God, and he takes my all. And like the last line says, I'll keep trying to get my life right, and as long as i'm walking hand in hand with Jesus, letting him lead me, i'll be on the right track.
God bless,